Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New Glasses

Just recently I went to have my eyes checked and the Dr. said it would probably help to have a pair of glasses for reading and for seeing far away. Yuck! That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I wanted one part of me to work properly.

I followed the Dr.'s "suggestion" and went to have the new glasses ordered. When they came in they were very hard to get used to. They were part bifocal and part regular glasses. When I put them on I told the lady that I couldn't see very well with the reading part of them. She looked a little distressed but told me to give them a few weeks and if they still weren't working I could come back in and they would adjust them.

I started to wear them but they made me feel sea sick. So I took them off and put them in the holder. But I had told the woman that I would give it a shot for a few weeks so I wore them occasionally. Wonder of wonders they were helping me see things that I couldn't before. I started to use them more frequently and the sea sickness feeling is starting to abate. I am still not wearing them all the times but hope to get there.

It seems that God has been using these glasses and the lessons that have been barreling down on me lately to draw me to an understanding of Himself. He has been giving me a "new pair of glasses" to see him better. He is reinforcing that He is in control of all areas of my life. I need to continually surrender all that I think I have a right to. He is in control of my health, my wealth, my children, {that is still a sore spot we are working on}, my home, my husband, well you get the point. There is nothing that is not His. I however, need to take my hot little hands off them to allow Him to do the great plans He has for all of them. With these "new glasses", when I wear them, I can see how He is turning all things to good. {Romans 8:28}. I am no longer a victim of the things that happen around me, I have a sovereign God who is turning this things that I see as terrible, ugly things into things that are drawing me closer to Him. How awesome is that!

Do you need to go to the Great Physician and see about a "new pair of glasses"? Don't wait go today!

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