Wednesday, June 3, 2015


This past year has been quite a challenge for me. I have been made to realize that all I thought I was doing was done well and my family was intact and on the way. I ran head long into a brick wall that not only shattered my confidence in the work that I had done but also made me question my ability to be a mother.

Ever been in a place so bleak? Ever felt you world had imploded? I was there struggling to rise from the ashes without telling anyone of my plight. [too embarrassed, too afraid of what they would think of me not sure which was worse.] Which I was sure would bury me deeper than I could ever recover from. God and I had so many conversations and his word continually was reminding me that He hadn't left me. Hebrews 13:5
                          "For God has said, “I will nevernever fail you nor forsake you.”
I had to be very careful around friends to not reveal the pain and uncertainty I was carrying around. 

Then a call came from 2,000 miles away. That friend I had prayed with. That friend I had done life with. That friend that was hurting just the same as I was. She also was rethinking her ability to be the mom that God had created her to be. [our children have a way of doing this] As we talked  she shared her broken bruised heart as she said to me "I am too embarrassed to tell anyone else but I had to tell someone and so I called." I had to tell her that my life was in the same dust bin as hers and I finally shared with her the hurt and embarrassment that I was carrying also.

We cried and prayed and the pain lifted. We have pledged to share each week and to pray together. We offer each other the wisdom that God shares with us each week and together we are ascending out of the pit. 

Yes, there are others that are struggling with the same things you are even if we don't want to believe that. God has graciously put two friends back together to "fight the good fight". Do not struggle alone, seek God and he will direct you path. Whether it is just you and God or you, God and that special friend you are not alone in your struggles! Reach out.

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